Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Finding a Home-based Business

Nowadays most people are looking for ways to save as much as they can - from being a car owner to being a daily commuter will give them advantage on fuel consumption. It's actually depends on individual preferences how to handle cost cutting in their certain households. Thus many dreamed to have a better access to their office which is right in their backyard or in any part of the house. The advancement of technology such as the internet fulfill their dreams - this is where the new era came to exist.

The birth of home-based business came unexpectedly with many corporations in the US and globally have been affected by this sudden shift in business arena. Also the industry really helped a lot of global netizens attained their dreamed lifestyles - meaning more quality time with the family. It has its pros and cons but that's the normal cycle of every industries. It's always a matter of survival and frankly the business trend will be on the internet. 
We are crossing a technology threshold that will forever change the way we learn, work, socialize and shop. It will affect all of us, and business of every type, in ways far more pervasive than most people realize.
 ~Bill Gates, Comdex 1994
If you are the type of person who is open for change then this will greatly benefit you in many ways but how about those people who have less expertise what will happen to them? forever be a slave of corporate tyranny? Not a good choice at all.

Do not worry at all this article is intended to help you decide what's gonna be suitable for you or what home-based business program will be best for you. All you need to do is to get out of your comfort zone and need to take an action.

I've found a site where you will have access to different home-based business companies, reviews, news and more. This will somehow help you decide in a way and also will open a new opportunity if you are still aiming for a corporate ladder of success which there was only few who made it at the top.

Anyway if you are ready to take a new leap click here and I'm wishing you all the best that life may offer.

P.S. I've been involved in the industry for more than 5 years now and I can say there's really a big difference when it comes to time and money but you must have a right mindset to make it all workout. If you are curious what companies I work with you can always contact me and I'm happy to share it with you all. I made this article to be fair and not bias at all.

Note: This is the longest running and most comprehensive resource and index of home based business opportunities on the Internet. For over 10 years, the company has been providing information and resources on home-based business opportunities, products, and the executives behind each company.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Blog Updates

After 5 hours of sound sleep had my late lunch and after that back to business. Also I decided to add a "Disclaimer" section to make sure that everything will be in order and the legal aspect is not likely taken for granted because as you know people nowadays can easily sue you for nonsense stuff.

What to expect for the coming days? I will be delivering my first ever content on this site later tonight...hopefully because as of the time of writing my wife is already 1 cm. and yes she's by the way  pregnant for our second live (crossing my fingers) child - a baby girl because our supposed 2nd child departed unexpectedly during her last pregnancy. It's tragic but somehow at peace and confident that the baby was now in good hands. Oh by the way the name of our first blessing is Mateo Ishmiel, he's turning 3 years old this coming June 2013 and he's really adorable. We love him so much!

Anyway going back to our main topic as you know I'm not really sure WHERE and HOW to begin all this. It's kind of awkward but don't worry I'll share something interesting and informative.

With your support and compassion I can do this!

Blog site progress

Finally the "About" section is now fixed but perhaps will add some more if I can find time one of these days. Also the "Contact Us" is up and operational.

I'm aware that there's still some more that needs to be done but I'm already eager and as well excited to keep this site updated with information that can serve my reader at their best interest.

Well until then guys time for me to sign off.

Have a merry Monday!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Author

Raised from a humble household with 2 female siblings and graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Science major in Computer Science.  

An sme entrepreneur, licensed wealth creation specialist, financial consultant, graphic designer, professor, mentor, volunteer, professional gamer and on top of it all a friend.

Currently managing Bricksand Media Solutions an internet-focused company. Using proprietary and state-of-the-art softwares.

Vision Statement:
"I want to be remembered as a good servant of the Almighty."

Mission Statement:
"I came for what I am and will disappear with a legacy worth sharing to all."

The Site
Basically this will serve as my special journal covering different aspects about finances or simply called money.

Programs will comprise of the following:
- Online Businesses
- Home-based Businesses
- e-Training and e-Courses
- Real Estate

Products will tap the following:
- Video Email and related online communication suite
- Online Broadcast Softwares
- Hosting and Websites
- Local Consumer Products

Yields will obviously deliver the following:
- Mutual Funds
- Insurance Products
- Stocks
- Annuitiy
- Brokerage
- Banking
- Interest Rates

"The path to success is best when shared."

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Blog Major Change

Sorry for the inconvenience this site will have on-going improvements and will be available soon.